Thank you all for participating this month’s contest and congratulations to the following winners.
First Place
Bean There by Lei Zhang
0 Vote
Second Place
Hello There by Sheila Xu
0 Vote
Third Place
Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge by Nock Wong
Margaret Hunt Hill Bridge by Nock Wong
1 Vote
Honorable Mentions
Untitled by Lei Zhang
0 Vote
Friends by John Shi
0 Vote
Diamond by Lei Zhang
0 Vote
Fisherman’s morning by Sheila Xu
0 Vote
Mirror of the Sky by Willi Xiang
0 Vote
Judge Dennis Hirning’s Intro
My name is Dennis Hirning, APSA, MPSA from Billings, MT.
Here is a little information about me. You notice the letters after my name.
These are recognition awards from PSA. The APSA is given because of past service to PSA. Some of this includes being the past Chair of the Projected Image Division, Exhibition Standards Director for the Electronic Image Division before it merged with CPID to form PID, and Region Director for Montana and Wyoming. I was drafted for the Implementation team that set up the Projected Image Division when EID and CPID were combined. I have judged for competitions from club level to International Exhibitions and also for the EID Image of the Year. I am currently the Director of the 365 Gallery, which involves taking a different subject every day of the year. I am also the administrator of a Digital Dialog Study Group.
The MPSA comes from throwing a lot of money at various international exhibitions in order to get at least 1500 acceptances. I need to get my bookwork done to see if I can qualify for my GMPSA. I know that I am about in spitting distance of the 3000 acceptances required for it.
I either have, or should have if I would get my paperwork done, my 7th Galaxy in PID Color, 4 Stars in PID Monochrome, 3 Galaxies in Nature, and probably 3 Galaxies in Photo Journalism. I have 5 Stars in Photo Travel, 5 Stars in Small Color Prints, and 4 Stars in Small Monochrome Prints.
What does all this mean? Not much. Just that I have been around the block too many times.
I would like to remind you that my comments on your images for this competition are just one person’s opinion. Each of you might have your own opinion but, unfortunately, for this competition, my opinion is the only one that counts.
I would like to thank you for the opportunity to be your judge. You have great images and I enjoyed seeing each one even though it was not easy to select your award winners.
Judge’s Recommended Edits
Grading sheet
All participating photos